about my blog

this is a blog about what birds i see when i go to pools/estuaries/reserves in the uk.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Hi readers Taylor Birding in the UK is now mobile, I just downloaded the blogger app so I can post when I am out bird watching or even when I am just out and about.
By the way if you know anyone that is interested in birding then tell them to look at the blog, I only need 15 more views until I get 1000 overall views

Monday, 21 January 2013


Hello to everyone reading this from the United States.
During my holiday in April i shall be coming over to Kissimee, Orlando and I am hoping to see some birds there. Are there any good bird watching places around there so I can see some American Birds rather than European birds. If you know any places please comment so I can visit them and hopefully see a bird that i have read about, the Blue Jay.

Sunday, 20 January 2013


I have just looked out from my roof window looking out onto the Wyrley and Essington Canal and have seen an animal that is very common in urban areas at night, I am talking about the fox. In my opinion I am quite lucky because I have just had a brilliant view of not one, but two foxes. They were not fighting or competing for territory. They were probably about 200 metres apart and were unaware of each others presence. There are two paths on the section of the canal by me, one that is wide, leading from the bridge and away from the water (or in this case Ice) lets call it Path 1, and there is a second path which leads from the main path which is more narrow and closer to the water, Lets call this Path 2. I saw the first fox come along Path 2 on the canal and then cut through the undergrowth to get to Path 1, i also saw the second fox do exactly the same thing. Strange or what? I don't know if this is normal behaviour, please comment if you have a knowledge of a fox's behaviour. here is a photo, i know it isn't the best but it is all i could get because it is very dark.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Long awaited Update

Hi readers, sorry i haven't posted for a few months i have had other distractions. if you have any queries don't hesitate to comment and i shall be uploading any photos i have taken to the pictures page. I shall be going bird watching this weekend as well. i will be going to Gailey and to some fishing pools near Yarnfield because i want to look at new places.

Upton warren- 29/10/12

The moors Car park 

Long tailed tit, Wood pigeon, Black headed gull, Magpie, Mallard (fly over), Starlings (2 large flocks)

North moors pool

Mallard, black headed gull, Wood pigeon, Blackbird

The moors

Robin, Blackbird, Dunnock, Sparrow hawk, Goldcrest, Blue tit, Carrion crow, Black headed gull, Goldfinch, Ruddy duck female, Wigeon, Teal, Coot, Snipe, Shoveler, Curlew, Mute swan, Mallard, Gadwall, Grey heron, Great crested grebe, Cormorant, Canada goose, Wood pigeon, Kestrel, Lapwing, Moorhen, Kingfisher, Little grebe, Field fare? Couldn't distinguish colours, Greenfinch, Reed bunting male and female

Didn't go to flashes because it started raining heavily

Ambleside 3/11/12

Robin x2, Jackdaw, Flock of male chaffinches x10, Wood pigeon, Great tit x1, Mallard, Mute swan x3, Buzzard x2, Magpie, Carrion crow

Northycote farm - 10/11/12

Carrion crow
Goldfinch x3 heard 1
Heard robin x1
Heard wren x2
Blue tit
Male and Female chaffinch
Greenfinch male and female
Great tit
Coal tit
Herring gull